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Data Access

The ARC 1.0 data are publicly available through Dataverse. The following link will take you to the page where you can download the dataset and other supporting files.


The ARC dataset (version 1.0) contains information on 1,426 organizations that participated in maximalist dissent in African countries from 1990 through 2015 (3,407 country-organization-years in total). ARC includes organizations that participated in violent dissent, such as rebel groups or terrorist organizations, and organizations that participated in nonviolent dissent, including political parties, trade unions, and others. The unit of observation is the country-organization-year. The ARC data include 18 variables covering organization-level features such as type, age, leadership, goals, origins, social bases, and inter-organizational alliances. (2021-06-15).


Organizations participating in dissent in Egypt in 2011. From Butcher et al (2021)


Support is gratefully acknowledged from NTNU, the Research Council of Norway and the United States Institute of Peace

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